Colonic hydrotherapy or colon cleansing/ colonic irrigation is an alternative and complementary therapy that involves flushing the colon with water to remove waste.
Colonic hydrotherapy is widely used in routine medical practise as preparation for medical procedures such as colonoscopy. In addition, colonic hydrotherapy may be used as an alternative add-on therapy for many chronic conditions. It is believed that it can relieve build-up of toxins, boost energy levels and enhance the immune system. Furthermore, colonic hydrotherapy may also be used in conjunction with other treatments to promote well-being and boost immunity. The colonic hydrotherapy may help to promote colon health as it may address symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal problems such as boating, colitis and constipation. It may also assist in weight loss and improve concentration and thinking.
At Y&C MedInstitute, Colonic Hydrotherapy is a physician-led procedure. A medical doctor examines the patients and refers them for colonic hydrotherapy if this is suitable for them.
Before the procedure patients are asked to follow a special diet for 3-4 days to help reduce discomfort during the procedure.
The procedure begins with a small speculum being inserted into the rectum and warm filtered water is pumped into the colon and then it is flushed out. This is repeated several times until the entire colon is cleared. During the procedure, a specialist nurse may massage the patient’s abdomen to stimulate the colon. After the procedure patients are asked to consume probiotic supplements and foods to promote healthy gut flora.
At Y&C MedInstitute we use Colon Hydromat comfort by HERRMANN Apparatebau GmbH to administer colonic hydrotherapy (MDD 93/42/EEC IIa compliant).